Metas - Quality, Environmental Management and Code of Conduct


METAS products and systems should convince our customers through quality, performance, technical innovation, best possible benefits and user-friendliness.

Quality management
One of the most important factors in the success of METAS GmbH is the high quality of our products and systems, which we guarantee through exact inspection and test procedures in accordance with the current standards.

At the same time, we continuously review our manufacturing processes, because this is the only way we can meet the extraordinarily high demands of our customers.

After all, the satisfaction of our customers is the prerequisite for the economic success of our company. Outstanding quality, best service and competitive prices also ensure customer satisfaction.

Motivated and committed employees are indispensable for the company’s success. Promoting and using their skills and abilities serves our company and all those who work in it.


Environmental protection
Equally, we are convinced that sustainable and environmentally friendly actions contribute significantly to the economic success of our company. We protect the environment by using resources sparingly and avoiding harmful environmental impacts.

To ensure the viability and development of our company in the long term, we apply a number of integrated management systems.

The zero-defect target, as well as continuous improvement in all areas, are among our most important goals. An important tool for achieving these goals is provided by the certifications practised at our site. The ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards serve as a basis, depending on the requirements. Through this successful introduction and maintenance of the certified quality and environmental management system, we emphasise the quality of our METAS products and the importance of environmental protection.

The close interaction of all these measures enables us to continuously optimise our high quality goals. Because we want our customers to come back to us, not our products.


The Code of Conduct of Metas Metall- & Anlagenbau GmbH is the basis of our business activities. Our policies, regulations and guiding principles are based on the fundamental values and achievements of our civilisation. There is no place for racism and discrimination in our multicultural and globally active company.

Only with legally and ethically correct behaviour characterised by respect, responsibility towards employees and suppliers, protection of the environment and recognition of the community can long-term success be guaranteed. We are proud of our technically high-quality products and qualified employees. Through continuous improvements and further developments, we set standards in quality, durability and energy efficiency of our components and systems. This ambition is reflected in the stability of the processes and the availability of the plants in use by our customers.

Metas Metall- & Anlagenbau GmbH is committed to ecologically and socially responsible corporate management. We expect the same behaviour from our suppliers.

Every employee is a reflection of our company and is responsible for how we are perceived from the outside. To maintain our credibility and integrity, it is imperative that all employees comply with the law and internal regulations, as well as the principles of environmental, social and ethical behaviour.

The full text of the Code of Conduct-Metas can be found in the PDF document in the right-hand column.