Components for extraction station Plants and components Disintegrator ZKSSW One axle ZKSSW 1 Two axle ZKSSW 2 Four axle ZKSSW 4 Disintegrator ZKG One axle ZKG 1 Two axle ZKG 2 Two-shaft ZKG 2 double motor Four axle ZKG 4 Extraction station Extraction station SAB-PDS Extraction station SAB-ZPDS-1 Extraction station SAB-ZPDS-2 Object extraction for dust Components Filtering and Separator Separator Filtering Unit Magnetic separator Material Separator Safety filter Centrifuge Shut-off and discharge elements Rotary Feeder Discharge component Shut-off device Hand slider Rotary distributor Conveying, dosing equipment and pumps Conveyors Screw conveyor Screw conveyor Vibrating chute Lifting and tipping devices Vacuum pump Piping and moulded parts Conveyor pipe work Formed pipe parts armoured Formed pipe parts cast iron Steel pipe racks Chip storage and briquetting Briquette press Chip bunker Shavings Silo Stamping-, laser- and bent components Komponenten für Absaugsation zur Metallspäne-Absaugung · Montagestütze DN 65 / 80 / 100 · Manueller Kugelhahn aus VA DN 65 / 80 / 100 · Evtl. mit Endlagenmeldung berührungslos · Rahmen zur Schaltschrankbefestigung · Ölwanne für Schieber DN 65 / 80 / 100 · Kabelkanal für Station lackiert in RAL · Reinigungsventil DN 80 / 100 am Ende der Rohrleitung · Umschaltweiche Rohrleitung DN 65 / 80 / 100 (Sortentrennung)